Thursday, June 28, 2012

Am I really being intuitive?

The answer to the question is No.

This post from Medical Marzipan made me realize that.

In an effort to not diet or work out in a punitive way, I became the anti-diet.

I overate. I ate mindlessly. I ate excessive amounts of sugar, especially when I wasn't hungry. I stopped working out regularly.

Last night, I realized what I was doing.

"I thought that if I removed the diet from my life, I would be able to thus weed out the self-hatred that I felt so deeply."

I was trying to accept myself in a place I am not happy with. And the negative feelings didn't go away.

Because I'm not really taking care of myself. Edie (you remember her) has been throwing a tantrum and making a mess.

Rationally, I know what is good for me. Less sugar, more movement, and less mindlessness.

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